New Jersey Swimming
Advancing competitive swimming in
New Jersey through fair and inclusive opportunities.

New Jersey Swimming’s Vision:  Advancing competitive swimming in New Jersey through fair and inclusive opportunities.

New Jersey Swimming's Mission Statement: Develop the sport of swimming through leadership and excellence by providing environments that encourage swimmers to achieve their goals and advance while fostering the principals of sportsmanship, leadership and achievement. 


Board Position       Job Description     Term  
General Chair
Nicole Cicalo-DeCaro
Job >
May 2024-2026
Administrative Vice-Chair
Eric Harse
Job >
May 2023-2025
Age Group Vice-Chair
David White
Job >
May 2023-2025
Diversity Equality & Inclusion Chair   Andre Stephens   < Job >     May 2023-2025  
Senior Vice-Chair   Meaghan Donnelly   < Job >     May 2024-2026  
Finance Vice-Chair
TJ Walsh
Job >  
May 2023-2025
Senior Coach Representative
Jon Siegel
Job >
Sept 2023-2024
Junior Coach Representative
Sandra Franc
Job >
Sept 2023-2025
Senior Athlete Representative
Melo Meir
May 2024-2025
Junior Athlete Representative
Femi Oshodi
May 2024-2025
< Job >
May 2024-2026
Treasurer (Voice/No Vote)
Karen Hall
Safe Sport Coordinator
< Job >
May 2023-2025
At-Large Non-Athlete
Job  >
May 2024-2026
At-Large Athlete 
Job  >
May 2022-2024
At-Large Athlete
Job  >
May 2022-2024
At-Large Athlete
Job  >
May 2021-2023
At-Large Athlete
Job  >
May 2021-2023
Elected Chairs and Coordinators
 Operational Risk   Jenny Duffy   <  Job >     May 2024-2026  
 Registration / Membership   Marlene Curtis   Job >     May 2024-2026  
 Records/Top 10   NJS BOD   Job >        
Ex-Officio Members
Immediate Past General Chair
Governance Chair
Tristan Formon
Office Members                
NJS Meet Sanctioning Coordinator
Kip Hein