New Jersey Swimming
Advancing competitive swimming in
New Jersey through fair and inclusive opportunities.

New Jersey Swimming’s Vision:  Advancing competitive swimming in New Jersey through fair and inclusive opportunities.

New Jersey Swimming's Mission Statement: Develop the sport of swimming through leadership and excellence by providing environments that encourage swimmers to achieve their goals and advance while fostering the principals of sportsmanship, leadership and achievement. 

Chief Judge Certification

The Chief Judge is the liaison between the stroke and turn judges and the deck referee.  When a ST judge observes a possible infraction and raises their hand, the chief judge is responsible for asking the official to describe what they observed, asking questions to ensure that the athlete's actions have been evaluated fairly and accurately, and reporting the possible disqualification to the deck referee.  Chief judges may have a variety of other responsibilities depending on the meet.  Chief judges therefore play an integral role in ensuring that the session runs smoothly!  


Requirements for becoming a chief judge:

Eligibility: Prospective chief judges must be certified stroke and turn officials and must have worked at least 16 sessions at sanctioned or approved meets as a stroke and turn judge.

Training: Prospective chief judges must attend a USA Swimming CJ training clinic and must be familiar with the USA Swimming Professional Chief Judge document.  

Apprenticing: Prospective chief judges must complete four apprentice sessions in which they are mentored by an experienced CJ on deck.  Each apprentice session is documented on the Apprentice Chief Judge Evaluation form.  The evaluation form must be signed by the meet referee for each session worked.  

When all apprentice sessions are complete, send a scan of the completed evaluation form to any member of the Officials Advancement group.