New Jersey Swimming
Advancing competitive swimming in
New Jersey through fair and inclusive opportunities.

New Jersey Swimming’s Vision:  Advancing competitive swimming in New Jersey through fair and inclusive opportunities.

New Jersey Swimming's Mission Statement: Develop the sport of swimming through leadership and excellence by providing environments that encourage swimmers to achieve their goals and advance while fostering the principals of sportsmanship, leadership and achievement. 

Administrative Official Certification

Like Stroke and Turn Judge, the Administrative Official position is an entry level position.  Admin Officials oversee all the technical aspects of a swim meet, including entries, seeding, and results.  The admin official ensures that every swimmer gets an accurate time for every race.


Requirements for becoming an Administrative official:

Registration: Prospective administrative officials must register with USA Swimming and complete their background check, athlete protection training and concussion protocol training in order to begin their apprentice training process.

Clinics: Prospective administrative officials must also complete the free USA Swimming Foundations of Officiating clinic, which can be found here  They must also attend a NJS Adminstrative Official clinic and pass the USA Swimming Administrative Official Certification test, also found here:  

Apprenticing: Prospective administrative officials must complete four apprentice sessions across at least two meets.  Each apprentice session is documented on the NJS APPRENTICE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIAL EVALUATION form.  The evaluation form must be signed by the meet referee for each session worked.  

When all apprentice sessions are complete, send a scan of the completed evaluation form to any member of the Officials Advancement group.